🍂Autumnal Equinox Celebration🍂✨

Join us on 09/22 to welcome the fall and steep in the energy of the equinox!

Click here for details!

It's a Vibe

It's a Vibe

It’s a Vibe

I could feel the somatic response… my body recoiling, contracting, pulling away from the threat. I knew it was time. They had been asking for it, after all. And I had been craving it for over a year.

When the world shut down, and Pachamama (a.k.a., Mother Earth, Mother Gaia), sent us all to our rooms for the better part of three years, we pivoted. fast. In a mad rush, we figured out how to keep our sense of normalcy and our individual worlds in forward progression. We did what we thought was best for ourselves, our elders and our youth, and in doing so, we destroyed our very well-being.

We turned to devices to get us through. Facetime and ZOOM hosted our parties and family gatherings, along with our work meetings, therapy sessions, and even births (just ask my fave Destiny’s Child, Kelly). I had already been navigating the online world of business and digital content creation for years by that point. Even before I closed my first brick-and-mortar business, I began blogging and running all of my health and wellness lifestyle programming via the internet, but I had always been adamantly against teaching movement/group exercise classes online… for one, it’s janky (although, it has come a long way just over the last few years), and secondly, not being in physical proximity to my clients, I’m unable to do any hands on adjusting, or come to their aide should an injury occur. But, I begrudgingly did it, along with a gazillion other fitness pros at the time, for the love of the game.

I taught Zumba, and yoga, and Pilates, and stretch, and boot camps all online weekly. I met with my coaching and healing clients online as well, which meant some days logging over ten hours of time online, staring at a screen. I took precautions (blue light filtering glasses, ergonomic setup and what not), but it took its toll… it all took its toll, as it did on just about everyone.

I got to the point where I began to cringe when it was time to hit “Start Meeting”. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE what I do, and am beyond blessed to make a fabulous living at it, but on God, after three years, it was draining the very light from my being. My sympathetic nervous system couldn’t be subdued, no matter how much, self-care, self-Reiki, or Shamanic Healing I did on myself. It felt as if I was in a constant state of fight or flight, my hormones raging and coursing, imbalanced, yet impartial. You see, the body doesn’t lie. And it remembers everything. The threat was real, and my body was telling me to run… to flee.

That’s when I knew it was time.

My “online girls,” as I affectionately refer to them, were onboard too. Even those scattered about the country and its borders, who knew this would mean not moving with me anymore.

It was time for real connection. reconnection.

It was time to get back together… in-person… “in real life”.

It was time to rebuild.

So, that I did.

I started very causally looking around for potential spaces to get back to in-person classes for movement and my work with the healing arts, and within a whirlwind of about a month, a lease was signed, a key was presented, and the buildout got underway, so that I could rebuild and a community be born anew.

But, here’s the thing…

For me today, it’s all about living life on my own terms, in alignment, in perfect ways and under grace.

It’s not about the physical “work” anymore.

Not when it comes to my health, wealth, relationships, career/business… my life in general.

And for me, more specifically, it’s not about exercise and working out anymore… or dare I say, it’s not even about dance. (Gasp! The horror!)

It’s not even really about “wholistic” fitness anymore.

Nope… not about any of this.

So what is it about?

It’s about frequency and vibration.

More succinctly… it’s about how you feel and how you want to feel, and if there’s a discrepancy, addressing it. In fact, it should all always, and in all ways, be about how you feel… always about the vibrations you’re emitting and the frequency you’re vibing at. I don’t know about you, but I still wanna vibe at a frequency of love, or above.

If you’re still going at this physical world thing, this body, mind, soul thing, from a place and space of push, pull, lift, drag, harder, faster, stronger, all in the name of a good life and good health, I’ve got news for you…

And if you’re still grinding in the gym for hours, trying to beat your physical body into submission with strenuous workouts that quite literally stress you out (mentally, and yes, physically too… activating that trusty sympathetic nervous system’s fight or flight response and the cascade of hormones that comes with it!), and jumping around from eating plan to eating plan (keto, intermittent fasting, whole this number, half that number, counting calories, trying to get a tape worm, eating earth worms, whatever!), feeling like a yo-yo, being a slave to the scale, shaming yourself about the numbers you see, or don’t see, or the size of your pants, then I’ve really got news for you…

You are doing yourself a great disservice.

Mind, body, and soul are ALL physical… they are all only experienced on this 3D, physical plane. You might feel the need to argue that “soul” is non-physical, I know I once did, but by philosophical and biblical definition, the soul is the principle of life in the body… your mind, heart, will and imagination, including your thoughts, desires, passions, and dreams (all very physical and 3D in nature, my friends).

So, how do we rise above all this physicality… this push/pull/harder/faster/stronger paradigm?


Your spirit is your faith, hope, love, character, and perseverance.

You see, your soul and spirit have very different energetic frequencies. Your spirit connects you directly to Source/Creator/God/Holy Spirit. Sometimes referred to as Higher Self, spirit is the part of you that is already perfect, so doesn’t need to be “worked” on, nor improved upon… because seriously, that’s just so 3D (said in my best Clueless, “that’s so five years ago” voice🙈).

When you are connecting with your spirit, you feel whole and complete… light and bright, forgiving and fearless. And when you let your spirit drive the vehicle, those around you feel lighter and brighter too! This is the part of you that is consistent, simple, and timeless because it never leaves Source… this is the part of you that feels connected to the spirits of all beings on this little blue planet of ours, and the entire Universe itself.

The sweetest spots in life are found when we come into alignment with them. If you’re feeling “the struggle is real” then there is one thing I can promise you… you’re 100% correct. But, if you can look beyond your programming of “hard work pays off”, then there is a whole new world waiting to embrace you… a whole new YOU waiting to meet you!

So, how do we “land” to rise above the unnecessary stressors of this beautiful, yet very physical plane, where we reside?

More breath.
More water.
More earth.
More bare feet.
More nourishment.
More movement.
More community.
More depth.

Having been a health/fitness/wellness coach for the over thirty years, I honestly can’t believe what I’m about to say to you, buuuuut... we’ve all been dupped!

Yup, we’ve been fed total bullshit for yeeeeears.

To get physical, tangible results out of life, whether it be in the areas of your health/body, relationships/love, career/business, or wealth/finances, there’s only one thing that you need to do and do with consistency... check your vibe and tap into your spirit.

No one can tell you what is best for you, but your spirit always knows.

I’m giving you permission, here and now, to stop listening to the mess of swirling whirling information bombarding you on the regular. I’m strongly encouraging you to ignore what your trainers, coaches, advisors, etc. are all telling you to do (and y’all, I’ve got a degree and a stupid amount of certifications and titles in this shit). If it doesn’t resonate for you, tune it out! If it doesn’t feel right, or you’ve tried it and it didn’t work, or it only worked for a while and then stopped working for you, in the name of all that is Holy, please. stop.

No, I haven’t totally lost my mind (although it is oh so good for me to be out of my mind), but I have come to some very interesting realizations over the past several years, that have completely upgraded my way of life… my way of being… my entire operating system and how I navigate the world around me.

You see, what works for me won’t work for everyone, and what even works for the majority of my clients won’t work for everyone either. If you’ve got a mentor telling you exactly how to live, what to eat and when, how to train, who you’re compatible with, how to run your business or navigate your career, etc., etc., then find yourself a new mentor.

A good mentor is going to help you determine what is best for YOU. period. They aren’t just going to slap some program in front of you, whether it be an exercise/nutrition plan, business template, or lifestyle blueprint. A good mentor is going to help you do you... just better.

The sad part is that most of those mentoring others out there today just aren’t capable of that. And it’s not because they haven’t gotten the degrees, or certifications, or gone through all the workshops and trainings ad nauseam. It’s because they haven’t done the “work” themselves. And this time, I’m talking about the real work. The internal work. The healing work. The work that taps their spirit, and in turn, Spirit.

I can see them a mile away. And I can recognize them so easily because I was once one of them. Let’s be honest here, most of what we see out in the world comes from a place of vanity (just walk into any gym and try to tell me otherwise)… super 3D. And it’s not only about our bodies and the completely screwed up way our society has entrained us to be this or be that (younger, thinner, fitter, stronger, more bootylicious, whatever)… it’s about us trying to keep up with the Jones’ too (bigger house, nicer car, designer bags, sparkly jewelry, get that promotion, etc.).

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love nice things! And I still have plenty of goals and ambitions, and a hefty bucket list, but the way I come into relationship with them has completely changed. And it all happened the day I closed my laptop, stepped away, and got outside on Pachamama’s belly barefoot. That day I listened for Spirit and They spoke. I found my spirit that day, and I most certainly, found my vibe... and what a Vibe it is😉

Get in Touch

If you have any questions about the center, please get in touch with us! Someone from our team will reply as soon as possible.